Spring Campus

Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness Word Treatment

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) brings together data, research, assessment, and accreditation activities to support the University community, programs, and students. We are focused on assisting all program constituents in making timely data-informed decisions that serve to improve all aspects of the student experience. We provide open and transparent access to information across the community, which in turn drives research, program improvement, and institutional health.

IE is composed of three subdivisions: 

Data Request Form

The Institutional Effectiveness team has developed a data request form  to assist with managing data requests. This form ensures requests from University faculty, administrators, and staff are addressed in a timely fashion and reviewed by the appropriate members of the IE team.

Contact Us

Marc E. Gillespie, Ph.D. 

Marc E. Gillespie, Ph.D. 
Senior Vice Provost for Clinical Operations, Graduate Research, Assessment, Accreditation, and Institutional Analytics